The latest G600 camera phone from Samsung enters in the market with in a slide opening casing. The phone with large 2.2 Inch high colour screen has the ability to provide up to sixteen million colours on a TFT screen with high resolution. The phone has a built in memory of 55 Mbytes which can be further raised by inserting a memory card slot which will further to suit the user's need. The handset with 102mm x 47.8mm x 14.9mm sized casing, weighing 105 gram including the phone battery makes it light weighted making it easy to be carried in hand or in pocket. .
The added attraction of the Samsung g600 mobile phone handset is its 5 megapixel digital camera that comes with a built in flash & auto focus ensuring a perfect shot is captured with it. It makes it assured that the user is able to get the best pictures every time when he goes for it. The video capabilities ensures that the user is able to record the footages that can be viewed any time needed and also can be shared with others. The phone has a built in FM radio & music player ensuring excellent musical entertainment.
The phones battery has a talk time of approximately 3.5 hours of talk time and a standby time of approximately 300 hours when it is fully charged.
. The Bluetooth A2DP wireless connectivity attached to the Samsung g600 handset ensures that the transferring of files between two compatible Bluetooth devices with being tangled in wires is done easily and comfortably.
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